@BoardGameAngel on Instagram


@BoardGameAngel is my alter ego on Instagram. I joined Instagram in the fall of 2018 to promote my shop on Zazzle.com. When I found an amazing community of board game enthusiasts, I decided to go all-in on board game content for my Instagram account as well as my online shop. I write about my own experiences playing games. I participate in and create community challenges where I write about art, themes, trivia, and more surrounding board games. I also run two online weekly games: Scattergories on Tuesdays and Reverse Dixit on Thursdays (based on the party game Dixit). I’ve found Instagram to be a great creative outlet where I can explore all of my interests, from writing to photography to design.

Following are my most recent posts. Select an image and hover over it to read about it.


Top Scratch Poster


Pittsford FCU Youth Account Postcard