Pittsford FCU Youth Account Postcard
Pittsford Federal Credit Union, in Pittsford, N.Y., asked me to create logos for their youth accounts. After designing the logos, I then created postcards that could be given to members to promote the accounts. For the In the Money Kids Account, for kids under age 10, I recommended an interactive aspect to the card to give the kids something interesting to do once the parent(s) had read the information on the back. Part of Pittsford FCU’s philosophy for the youth accounts is to encourage kids to “Save, Spend, and Share.” I strategically placed the words to read in this order, but I designed the maze to show that people often spend before sharing and then saving. The end of the maze is where the kid can save their money – at Pittsford FCU!
“Angel’s ability to take a business concept and create brilliant marketing materials has, in my opinion, been pure magic.”